Cyclopolis Συστήματα bike sharing Cyclopolis, κατασκευάζουμε κοινόχρηστα ποδήλατα προσαρμοσμένα στις δικές σας ανάγκες!
81 Ifigenias & Velikopoulou st Athens, Greece 14231 +302108144572

Privacy Statement

CYCLOPOLIS LTD is committed to protecting your right to privacy when you visit our website. We acknowledge that you share personal data with us and expect us to handle this data in a professional and responsible manner. The Privacy Policy includes what information we collect, how we use it and how you can correct or change this information. In summary, you should know that:+

  • CYCLOPOLIS LTD is capable of keeping your personal information safe

  • CYCLOPOLIS LTD is not going to sell your personal information to other companies.

The website of CYCLOPOLIS LTD takes the necessary measurements / actions to protect against loss, unauthorized use and loss of information that comes under its control including firewall protection, perimeter network and encryption of information during encryption.

Registration and forms
If you choose to register with CYCLOPOLIS LTD or place an order, you will be asked for contact information, financial information (credit card, etc.), demographic information (age, sex, etc.) and unique identification numbers (eg TIN)). The information provided to us remains secure in our systems. We may use the contact information with you to send you information material about our products / services. If you do not wish to receive information from us, please see the options section below. The financial information you give us is used only for the pricing of our products. Demographic information can be used to tailor your site experience and present our information according to your preferences. In addition, our sales and marketing departments may also use demographic information in relation to where you learned about our products and services and the intended use of the products, to enhance our advertising and marketing efforts and measure interest in our products.

Surveys and competitions
CYCLOPOLIS LTD may invite you to participate in online competitions or surveys. Participation is never mandatory. If you choose to participate, you may be asked various demographic questions.
We may use this information to send you information about our company, our products and our services. If you do not wish to receive information from us, please see the options section below.

Public Forums
CYCLOPOLIS LTD can create forums, discussion boards, chat rooms, newsgroups, etc. and make them available to visitors of its websites. As any information posted on them becomes available to all visitors, you need to be careful when deciding to post personal information.

Information requests
You can request information from the websites of CYCLOPOLIS LTD  in relation to our products and services, including technical support and customer service using our online contact forms. If you do not wish to receive information from us, please see the options section below.

IP addresses
We may use your IP address to diagnose problems with our servers and to manage our website.

CYCLOPOLIS LTD  web servers can place small pieces of text or cookies on your computer’s drive that allow us to identify you so that you do not have to repeat specific information every time you visit us. This does not give us access to any of your personal information or other information on your computer. If you do not want cookies you can set the browser security level to the level you need or delete cookies from your computer.

Contact the web site
If you have any questions about the website please contact us at (+30) 210 81 44 572 or by email at: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Options Board
Our website gives you the opportunity to express your desire not to receive information or material from us. To unsubscribe from our contact lists, send an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . If you encounter de-registration problems please contact (+30) 210 81 44 572.

If you wish to change the information you have given us, send an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

This website and its content is copyright of Cyclopolis - © Cyclopolis 2011. All rights reserved.